Dr. Veronica Ang’s areas of expertise include Fertility, Hormonal, and Maternal Support. Also, Autoimmune Disease, Mental Wellness, Pediatrics, Chronic and Acute Pain.
In acupuncture micro fine needles about the size of a strand of hair are inserted into specific points on different meridians in order to activate certain functions in the body. By needling a point or a set of points- circulation of blood and qi are improved.
Qi is often defined as “life force.” The meridian qi that is stimulated in acupuncture is closely related to oxygen metabolism in the body. When there is proper circulation of blood and oxygen in the body- the body can function to its optimal potential.
Cups are most often applied to a person’s back to help release toxins that have accumulated in the connective tissue. The strong suction of the cups stimulate blood and lymphatic flow near the skin’s surface and key areas of the body to promote the release of toxins. Cupping also relieves tensions and restores circulation which can assist is recovery of sports injuries and even promote better rest and sleep.
Nutrition is a key aspect of Chinese medicine. What you eat is an essential pillar in health and wellness. According to your specific health history, environment, seasonal circumstances, and health requirements- there are specific foods and methods of eating that can provide profound benefits to your health. Your health consultation is inclusive of nutritional and dietary counseling so that you are empowered to create the state of health and wellness that you wish to achieve.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is an integral part of Chinese medicine. It’s a system of medicine that is founded on the principle that humans and nature have a fundamental and intrinsic connection. In the spirit of teamwork, Chinese herbs are most often prescribed in formulas where each herb has a role and function to play. Together they have profound synergistic effects whereas alone, they would not be able to address concerns as strongly and effectively.
Many classical formulations are complete and effective as they are, but a skilled herbalist can also modify and personalize herbal formulas for each individual’s unique situation. Herbal medicines are often not especially pleasant to the palette, but the results can more than justify the taste.
Pediatric Shonishin
Children are not little adults. Their bodies are dynamic and constantly changing, growing, and developing. For this reason, treatments for children are not like treatments for adults. Because their bodies are so dynamic and full of healing potential, the methods used for children are extremely gentle. Shonishin utilizes techniques that often feel like a light massage or tickling to children. If necessary acupuncture needles can be inserted and removed right away with no retention. Generally, though, children under seven don’t usually get actual needles, but rather needle-less acupuncture- Shonishin. Some common conditions treated with shonishin include: eczema, frequent colds, allergies, digestive trouble, insomnia, and sports injuries.
Learning to reduce stress and quiet your mind will give you more control of your health. Doing specific forms of moving meditation or qigong can also help you address specific aspects of your health. At times, specific meditations or qi gong exercise will be recommended to you.
Treatment and Conditions Shortlist
Women’s Health
• Menstrual Irregularities, PMS, and other menstrual problems
• Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis
• Fertility
• Pregnancy and Postpartum Recovery
• Menopause
Pediatrics and Teens
• Allergies
• Frequent Colds/Flu, Bronchitis
• Digestive Troubles
• Eczema, Dry Skin, and Acne
• Sleep Trouble
• Menstrual pain, PMS, and other menstrual problems
• Emotional and behavioral support
• Prostatitis and General Prostate Health
• Pain
• Stress and Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Sperm health, quality and count
• Libido
• Erectile Dysfunction
Facial Rejuvenation
• Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles
• Prevent Skin Sagging
• Improve muscle tone
• Lift sagging eyelids
• Reduce puffiness, redness, and dryness
• Improve facial color/ Improve circulation to face
• Bell’s Palsy
• Neck, Shoulder
• Spine, Back
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Arthritis
• Sciatica
• Headaches and Migraines
• Pre-surgical prep to reduce pain post surgery
• Post Operative Pain
• Fibromyalgia
Internal Medicine
• Allergies and Asthma
• Immune Support
• Insomnia, Stress and Anxiety
• Diabetes and Prediabetes
• Digestive Disorders and Weight Management
• High Blood Pressure
• Health Maintenance and Preventative Care